Ten coaches from eight countries within the Caribbean, committed themselves to seven days of intense weather and great activities: (Aruba, Antigua and Barbuda, Bonaire, Dominica, Jamaica, Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago).
The goal of the course was to provide coaches with the latest information on specific sports science and coaching topics. Mr Karl Davies did an excellent job as coaches shared their positive feedback and hope similar courses be held in the near future.
The Development Officer (Anthony Jeremiah) felt the course was a success and believed valuable information was gained and must be shared with others when the coaches return to their respective countries, if the wider Caribbean is to succeed in its quest for excellence.
The priority was to further develop National Coordinators for Junior Tennis Initiative in their respective countries, since they are in the best position to lead the initiatives.
Some coaches shared their comments:
Nice refresh on Play Tennis Theory and how it fits in the long term athlete development, together with the intervention skills when working with top players. (Trevor -Suriname)
The course was extensive and the knowledge gained was priceless, the contents was structured and well delivered. (Nicolas -Guyana)
Intensive eight days, good presentation with long term planning for coaches, players and administrators from learning to active life.
I learnt how to tweet in teaching and the importance of demonstration. (Erica -Antigua)
Great course and awesome presentation, it was well worth the time to attend. (Evans- Jamaica)
The workshop was really enlightening, it made me realized that I didn't know as much as I did. (Charisma- Antigua)
Very good workshop with lots of interaction with other coaches and players. I also learnt the structure of a lesson plan. (Jonathan- Aruba)
For more information on ITF courses please check the following link: